I've been browsing for some other ana sites out there to connect with other girls and I happened to come across the absolute best site for thinspiration. I literally swoon at nearly every girl I look at, they're all so beautiful and gives me something to shoot for and something to remind myself of why being thin is so important.
Thinspiration for Life
None of that celebrity unattainable perfection stuff, it's mostly normal, thin, girls doing normal things.
Anyways, I've decided to start doing some different work outs, my old ones just weren't cutting it for me, I didn't really feel tired at all after doing them and I feel like I should have at least broken a sweat or something. I'm gonna look into some dance-type work outs or maybe some of those biggest loser routines that I've been seeing around. If those people can lose that much weight doing those work outs maybe it's worth a try right?
About Me

- Prismia
- First of all, I'd like to say that if you don't have an eating disorder but wish you did and are here to find out how to develop one, please go back the way you came. Wannarexics are not welcome here. Eating disorders are not diets, they are not fads and they are not "cool". If you do have an eating disorder and find anything in this journal helpful, you're welcome to it and I wish you the best. I am here to support others with their disorders and to be supported myself, it's our bodies and we make our own choices. Always remember, you are BEAUTIFUL and you are LOVED! <3 "What I hope most of all is that you understand what I mean when I tell you that though I do not know you and even though I may never meet you, laugh with you, cry with you, or kiss you, I love you. With all my heart, I love you." -Valerie, V for Vendetta
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Posted by Prismia at 3:13 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Vitamins does a body good
So I've been thinking lately and decided it's about time I started taking some vitamins. I've been fasting a lot lately (nearly every weekend) and so I've probably been depriving my body of a lot of important things, so I went out and bought some women's multivitamins with like 100% or more of daily value on all of the vitamins and stuff. They make me sick to my stomach when I take them though, I feel like I'm gonna throw up like 5 minutes after taking one, probably cause I'm supposed to take them with food and I don't. I guess it's kinda good though, they make me sick for about an hour after taking it so I don't feel like eating anything.
I'm sure I've got some vitamin deficiencies already so I probably should've been taking vitamins for a while.
Bleh, 5am already, this insomnia is getting really annoying.
Posted by Prismia at 5:02 AM 0 comments